home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <graphics/sprite.h>
- #include <graphics/gels.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <hardware/custom.h>
- #include <hardware/cia.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "EasySound.h" /* Declares LEFT0, LEFT1, RIGHT0, etc. */
- #include "shoot.h"
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct View my_view;
- struct View *my_old_view;
- struct ViewPort my_view_port;
- struct RasInfo my_ras_info;
- struct BitMap my_bit_map;
- struct RastPort my_rast_port;
- struct BitMap my_bit_map2;
- UWORD my_color_table[256];
- extern void beak( char *);
- extern void getilbm();
- void clean_up();
- void initstuff( void );
- void loadstuff( void );
- void openlibs( void );
- void closelibs( void );
- void drawlevel( void );
- UBYTE Joystick( UBYTE );
- void openstuff( void );
- void tilestosecond( void );
- int levelwidth;
- int levelheight;
- APTR DosBase;
- PLANEPTR maskplane;
- int docenter = 0;
- int posx, posy;
- UBYTE value = 0;
- int dir = 0;
- int aimmode = 0;
- int aimposx, aimposy;
- int aimdir = 0;
- int aimed = 0;
- int fire = 0;
- int shotat = 0;
- int remoove = 0;
- long int gametime;
- char codestr[80];
- int finishx, finishy;
- int startx, starty;
- struct
- {
- unsigned int x,y;
- long int delay;
- int foes;
- } foedwell[ 50 ];
- struct
- {
- unsigned int x,y;
- int full;
- } aid[ 20 ];
- int fonum;
- int aidnum;
- int energy;
- int lifes;
- extern struct Custom custom;
- struct CIA *cia = (struct CIA *) CIAAPRA;
- CPTR fires = NULL;
- CPTR attacks = NULL;
- CPTR foedies = NULL;
- CPTR steps = NULL;
- CPTR shoth1 = NULL;
- CPTR shoth2 = NULL;
- CPTR glas = NULL;
- CPTR bell = NULL;
- UWORD *spritedata = NULL;
- /* Vsprites */
- struct VSprite head, tail, vsprite[ MAXVSPRITES ];
- WORD colour_table[] = { 0x0000, 0x0ffd, 0x0fc8 };
- WORD nextline[ 8 ];
- WORD *lastcolor[ 8 ];
- struct GelsInfo ginfo;
- BOOL vsprite_on[ MAXVSPRITES ];
- UWORD ship_data[70]=
- {
- 0x0000, 0x0000, /* Ship 1 */
- 0x0000, 0xffff,
- 0x0f00, 0x0000,
- 0x3f00, 0x0000,
- 0x7f00, 0x0000,
- 0x0f57, 0x0000,
- 0x0f55, 0x0000,
- 0x0f57, 0x0000,
- 0x0f74, 0x0000,
- 0x0f00, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0xffff,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0xffff, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0xffff, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- 0xffff, 0x0000,
- 0x8421, 0x7bde,
- 0x8421, 0x7bde,
- 0x8421, 0x7bde,
- 0x8421, 0x7bde,
- 0xffff, 0x0000,
- 0x0000, 0x0000,
- };
- /*******************************************************/
- /* 2. Declare and initialize a SimpleSprite structure: */
- /*******************************************************/
- struct SimpleSprite my_sprite=
- {
- ship_data, /* posctldata, pointer to the sprite data. (Frame 0) */
- 33, /* height, 12 lines tall. */
- 40, 80, /* x, y, position on the screen. */
- -1, /* num, this field is automatically initialized when */
- /* you call the GetSprite() function, so we set it to */
- /* -1 for the moment. */
- };
- struct
- {
- int used;
- int posx;
- int posy;
- int speedx, speedy;
- int owner;
- UBYTE save1[DEPTH], save2[DEPTH], save3[DEPTH], save4[DEPTH];
- } shot[ SHOTSMAX ];
- struct
- {
- int used;
- int posx;
- int posy;
- int destx, desty;
- int angle;
- int stepdist, step;
- int shootinterv;
- int shout;
- } foe[ FOESMAX ];
- void openlibs( void )
- {
- if( (DosBase = (APTR) OpenLibrary( "dos.library", 0 )) == NULL)
- {
- printf("ERROR: Couldn't open dos.library\n");
- }
- }
- void closelibs( void )
- {
- CloseLibrary( DosBase );
- }
- void initstuff( void )
- {
- levelwidth = 64;
- levelheight = 48;
- }
- void loadlevel( void )
- {
- FILE *in;
- int filx, fily;
- unsigned char f;
- int readon;
- /*printf("Reading level data...\n");*/
- if( (in = fopen( "data/shoot_level.level", "r" )) == NULL )
- {
- printf("ERROR: Could not open shoot_level.level\n");
- }
- fonum = 0;
- aidnum = 0;
- /* Level einlesen */
- for( fily=0; fily<levelheight; fily++ )
- {
- for( filx=0; filx<levelwidth; filx++ )
- {
- f = (unsigned char) fgetc( in );
- level[ fily ][ filx ] = 0;
- if( f == '.' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 0;
- if( f == 44 /* Komma */ ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 1;
- if( f == 's' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 2;
- if( f == 'g' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 3;
- if( f == 'S' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 4;
- if( f == 'G' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 5;
- if( f == 'm' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 6;
- if( f == 'E' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 7;
- if( f == 'e' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 8;
- if( f == 't' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 9;
- if( f == '+' )
- {
- level[ fily ][ filx ] = 10;
- aid[ aidnum ].x = filx;
- aid[ aidnum ].y = fily;
- aid[ aidnum ].full = 1;
- aidnum++;
- }
- if( f == 'Z' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 11;
- if( f == 'A' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 12;
- if( f == 'Q' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 13;
- if( f == 'K' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 15;
- if( f == 'Y' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 16;
- if( f == 'D' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 17;
- if( f == 'F' ) level[ fily ][ filx ] = 18;
- if( f == 'T' )
- {
- level[ fily ][ filx ] = 19;
- foedwell[ fonum ].x = filx*16+8;
- foedwell[ fonum ].y = (fily+1)*16;
- foedwell[ fonum ].delay = 0;
- foedwell[ fonum ].foes = DWELLFOES;
- fonum++;
- }
- }
- fgetc( in ); /* Return ueberspringen */
- }
- readon = 1;
- while( readon > 0 )
- {
- readon = fscanf( in, "%s", &codestr );
- if( readon > 0 )
- {
- if( strcmp( codestr, "FINISH" ) == 0 )
- {
- fscanf( in, "%d%d", &finishx, &finishy );
- /*printf("FINISH: %d %d\n", finishx, finishy );*/
- }
- else if( strcmp( codestr, "START" ) == 0 )
- {
- fscanf( in, "%d%d", &startx, &starty );
- /*printf("START: %d %d\n", startx, starty );*/
- }
- else if( strcmp( codestr, "FOEDWELL" ) == 0 )
- {
- fscanf( in, "%d%d", &foedwell[ fonum ].x, &foedwell[ fonum ].y );
- foedwell[ fonum ].delay = 0;
- foedwell[ fonum ].foes = DWELLFOES;
- /*printf("FOEDWELL: %d %d %d\n", foedwell[ fonum ].x, foedwell[ fonum ].y, fonum );*/
- fonum++;
- }
- else
- {
- readon = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- fclose( in );
- }
- void loadstuff( void )
- {
- {
- FILE *in;
- int filx, fily;
- UBYTE r, g, b;
- /*printf("Reading colormap...\n");*/
- if( (in = fopen( "data/shoot_colormap.col", "r" )) == NULL )
- {
- printf("ERROR: Could not open shoot_colormap.col\n");
- }
- /* Header ueberspringen */
- for( filx=0; filx<48; filx++ )
- {
- fgetc( in );
- }
- /* Farben einlesen und konvertieren */
- for( fily=0; fily<COLOURS; fily++ )
- {
- r = fgetc( in );
- g = fgetc( in );
- b = fgetc( in );
- my_color_table[ fily ] = (((UWORD) r>>4)<<8) + ((g>>4)<<4) + (b>>4) ;
- }
- fclose( in );
- }
- loadlevel();
- /*printf("Reading level graphics...\n");*/
- {
- int Xpos, Ypos;
- FILE *in;
- UWORD tile;
- UWORD row;
- UWORD byte;
- UWORD index;
- UWORD manip2;
- UWORD manip;
- UBYTE schreib;
- if( (in = fopen( "data/shoot_tiles.gfx", "r" )) == NULL )
- {
- printf("ERROR: Could not open shoot_tiles.gfx\n");
- }
- for( Ypos=0; Ypos< (TILESMAX+19)/20*16; Ypos++ )
- {
- for( Xpos=0; Xpos<320; Xpos++ )
- {
- index = (UWORD) fgetc( in );
- tile = (Ypos/16)*20 + Xpos/16;
- row = Ypos & 15;
- byte = (Xpos & 8)/8;
- manip = 1 << ( 7 - ( Xpos & 7 ) );
- manip2 = 255 ^ manip;
- if(tile<TILESMAX)
- {
- if( ( index & 1 ) != 0 )
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 0 ][ row ][ byte ] |= manip;
- }
- else
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 0 ][ row ][ byte ] &= manip2;
- }
- if( ( index & 2 ) != 0 )
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 1 ][ row ][ byte ] |= manip;
- }
- else
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 1 ][ row ][ byte ] &= manip2;
- }
- if( ( index & 4 ) != 0 )
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 2 ][ row ][ byte ] |= manip;
- }
- else
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 2 ][ row ][ byte ] &= manip2;
- }
- if( ( index & 8 ) != 0 )
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 3 ][ row ][ byte ] |= manip;
- }
- else
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 3 ][ row ][ byte ] &= manip2;
- }
- if( ( index & 16 ) != 0 )
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 4 ][ row ][ byte ] |= manip;
- }
- else
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 4 ][ row ][ byte ] &= manip2;
- }
- if( ( index & 32 ) != 0 )
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 5 ][ row ][ byte ] |= manip;
- }
- else
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 5 ][ row ][ byte ] &= manip2;
- }
- if( ( index & 64 ) != 0 )
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 6 ][ row ][ byte ] |= manip;
- }
- else
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 6 ][ row ][ byte ] &= manip2;
- }
- if( ( index & 128 ) != 0 )
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 7 ][ row ][ byte ] |= manip;
- }
- else
- {
- tiles[ tile ][ 7 ][ row ][ byte ] &= manip2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose( in );
- }
- /*printf("Calculating image masks...\n");*/
- {
- int depth, image, byte, row;
- UBYTE maskbyte;
- /* Maennchen */
- for( image=0; image<16; image++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- maskbyte = 0;
- for( depth=0; depth<DEPTH; depth++ )
- {
- maskbyte = maskbyte | tiles[ 40+image ][ depth ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- tiles[ 56 ][ image ][ row ][ byte ] = maskbyte;
- }
- }
- }
- /* totes Maennchen */
- for( image=0; image<1; image++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- maskbyte = 0;
- for( depth=0; depth<DEPTH; depth++ )
- {
- maskbyte = maskbyte | tiles[ 58+image ][ depth ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- tiles[ 59 ][ image ][ row ][ byte ] = maskbyte;
- }
- }
- }
- for( image=0; image<16; image++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- maskbyte = 0;
- for( depth=0; depth<DEPTH; depth++ )
- {
- maskbyte = maskbyte | tiles[ 60+image ][ depth ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- tiles[ 76 ][ image ][ row ][ byte ] = maskbyte;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void drawlevel( void )
- {
- register int levx, levy;
- register int depth, row, byte;
- register UBYTE *gfx;
- for( levy=0; levy<levelheight; levy++ )
- {
- for( levx=0; levx<levelwidth; levx++ )
- {
- for( depth=0; depth<DEPTH; depth++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- gfx = (UBYTE *) my_bit_map.Planes[ depth ];
- gfx = gfx + RWIDTH/8 * ( levy*TILESHEIGHT + row ) + levx*TILESWIDTH + byte;
- *gfx = tiles[ level[ levy ][ levx ] ][ depth ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- UBYTE Joystick( port )
- UBYTE port;
- {
- UBYTE data = 0;
- UWORD joy;
- if( port == PORT1 )
- {
- /* PORT 1 ("MOUSE PORT") */
- joy = custom.joy0dat;
- data += !( cia->ciapra & 0x0040 ) ? FIRE : 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* PORT 2 ("JOYSTICK PORT") */
- joy = custom.joy1dat;
- data += !( cia->ciapra & 0x0080 ) ? FIRE : 0;
- }
- data += joy & 0x0002 ? RIGHT : 0;
- data += joy & 0x0200 ? LEFT : 0;
- data += (joy >> 1 ^ joy) & 0x0001 ? DOWN : 0;
- data += (joy >> 1 ^ joy) & 0x0100 ? UP : 0;
- return( data );
- }
- void openstuff( void )
- {
- UWORD *pointer;
- int loop;
- /* Open the Intuition library: */
- IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 0 );
- if( !IntuitionBase )
- clean_up( "Could NOT open the Intuition library!" );
- /* Open the Graphics library: */
- GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
- OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 0 );
- if( !GfxBase )
- clean_up( "Could NOT open the Graphics library!" );
- /* Save the current View, so we can restore it later: */
- my_old_view = GfxBase->ActiView;
- /* 1. Prepare the View structure, and give it a pointer to */
- /* the first ViewPort: */
- InitView( &my_view );
- my_view.ViewPort = &my_view_port;
- /* 2. Prepare the ViewPort structure, and set some important values: */
- InitVPort( &my_view_port );
- my_view_port.DWidth = DWIDTH; /* Set the width. */
- my_view_port.DHeight = DHEIGHT; /* Set the height. */
- my_view_port.DxOffset = DXOFFSET; /* Set the display X offset. */
- my_view_port.DyOffset = DYOFFSET; /* Set the display Y offset. */
- my_view_port.RasInfo = &my_ras_info; /* Give it a pointer to RasInfo. */
- my_view_port.Modes = NULL; /* Low resolution. */
- /* 3. Get a colour map, link it to the ViewPort, and prepare it: */
- my_view_port.ColorMap = (struct ColorMap *) GetColorMap( COLOURS );
- if( my_view_port.ColorMap == NULL )
- clean_up( "Could NOT get a ColorMap!" );
- /* Get a pointer to the colour map: */
- pointer = (UWORD *) my_view_port.ColorMap->ColorTable;
- /* Set the colours: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < COLOURS; loop++ )
- *pointer++ = my_color_table[ loop ];
- /* 4. Prepare the BitMap: */
- InitBitMap( &my_bit_map, DEPTH, RWIDTH, RHEIGHT );
- /* Allocate memory for the Raster: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; loop++ )
- {
- my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] = (PLANEPTR) AllocRaster( RWIDTH, RHEIGHT );
- if( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] == NULL )
- clean_up( "Could NOT allocate enough memory for the raster!" );
- /* Clear the display memory with help of the Blitter: */
- BltClear( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ], RASSIZE( RWIDTH, RHEIGHT ), 0 );
- }
- /* 5. Prepare the RasInfo structure: */
- my_ras_info.BitMap = &my_bit_map; /* Pointer to the BitMap structure. */
- my_ras_info.RxOffset = 0; /* The top left corner of the Raster */
- my_ras_info.RyOffset = 0; /* should be at the top left corner */
- /* of the display. */
- my_ras_info.Next = NULL; /* Single playfield - only one */
- /* RasInfo structure is necessary. */
- /* 6. Create the display: */
- MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
- MrgCop( &my_view );
- /* 7. Prepare the RastPort, and give it a pointer to the BitMap. */
- InitRastPort( &my_rast_port );
- my_rast_port.BitMap = &my_bit_map;
- }
- void opensecondbitmap( void )
- {
- int loop;
- /* 4. Prepare the second BitMap: */
- InitBitMap( &my_bit_map2, DEPTH2, RWIDTH2, RHEIGHT2 );
- /* Allocate memory for the Raster: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH2; loop++ )
- {
- my_bit_map2.Planes[ loop ] = (PLANEPTR) AllocRaster( RWIDTH2, RHEIGHT2 );
- if( my_bit_map2.Planes[ loop ] == NULL )
- clean_up( "Could NOT allocate enough memory for the second raster!" );
- /* Clear the display memory with help of the Blitter: */
- BltClear( my_bit_map2.Planes[ loop ], RASSIZE( RWIDTH2, RHEIGHT2 ), 0 );
- }
- maskplane = (PLANEPTR) AllocRaster( RWIDTH2, RHEIGHT2 );
- if( maskplane == NULL )
- clean_up( "Could NOT allocate enough memory for the mask plane!" );
- /* Clear the display memory with help of the Blitter: */
- BltClear( maskplane, RASSIZE( RWIDTH2, RHEIGHT2 ), 0 );
- }
- int sintab[91] =
- {
- 0, 285, 571, 857, 1142, 1427, 1712, 1996, 2280,
- 2563, 2845, 3126, 3406, 3685, 3963, 4240, 4516, 4790,
- 5062, 5334, 5603, 5871, 6137, 6401, 6663, 6924, 7182,
- 7438, 7691, 7943, 8192, 8438, 8682, 8923, 9161, 9397,
- 9630, 9860, 10086,10310,10531,10748,10963,11173,11381,
- 11585,11785,11982,12175,12365,12550,12732,12910,13084,
- 13254,13420,13582,13740,13894,14043,14188,14329,14466,
- 14598,14725,14848,14967,15081,15190,15295,15395,15491,
- 15582,15662,15749,15825,15897,15964,16025,16082,16135,
- 16182,16224,16261,16294,16321,16244,16361,16374,16381,
- 16384
- };
- /* Sinustabelle, wird so berechnet: */
- /* sintab[x]=sin(x) * 16384 (x=1,2..,90) */
- /* Siehe: sincos(), sin(), cos() */
- /**********************************************************/
- /* Diese Funktion holt den Sinuswert aus Tabelle */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Eingabe-Parameter: x für sin(x) */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Rückgabe-Werte: sin(x) * 16384 */
- /**********************************************************/
- long sincos(x)
- long x;
- {
- long factor = 1;
- x %= 360;
- if (x>180) /* x > 180 Grad */
- {
- x -= 180;
- factor = -1;
- }
- if (x>90) x = 180 - x;
- return (sintab[x]*factor);
- }
- void tilestosecond( void )
- {
- int levx;
- int depth, row, byte;
- UBYTE *gfx;
- /*printf("Preparing level graphics...\n");*/
- /* Maennchen kopieren */
- for( levx=0; levx<16; levx++ )
- {
- for( depth=0; depth<DEPTH; depth++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- gfx = (UBYTE *) my_bit_map2.Planes[ depth ];
- gfx = gfx + RWIDTH2/8*row + levx*TILESWIDTH + byte;
- *gfx = tiles[ 40+levx ][ depth ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Maennchen Maske kopieren */
- for( levx=0; levx<16; levx++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- gfx = (UBYTE *) maskplane;
- gfx = gfx + RWIDTH2/8*row + levx*TILESWIDTH + byte;
- *gfx = tiles[ 56 ][ levx ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- }
- }
- /* totes Maennchen kopieren */
- for( levx=18; levx<19; levx++ )
- {
- for( depth=0; depth<DEPTH; depth++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- gfx = (UBYTE *) my_bit_map2.Planes[ depth ];
- gfx = gfx + RWIDTH2/8*row + levx*TILESWIDTH + byte;
- *gfx = tiles[ 40+levx ][ depth ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* totes Maennchen Maske kopieren */
- for( levx=0; levx<1; levx++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- gfx = (UBYTE *) maskplane;
- gfx = gfx + RWIDTH2/8*row + (levx+18)*TILESWIDTH + byte;
- *gfx = tiles[ 59 ][ levx ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- }
- }
- /* Aimring kopieren */
- for( levx=0; levx<16; levx++ )
- {
- for( depth=0; depth<DEPTH; depth++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- gfx = (UBYTE *) my_bit_map2.Planes[ depth ];
- gfx = gfx + RWIDTH2/8*(16+row) + levx*TILESWIDTH + byte;
- *gfx = tiles[ 60+levx ][ depth ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Aimring Maske kopieren */
- for( levx=0; levx<16; levx++ )
- {
- for( row=0; row<TILESHEIGHT; row++ )
- {
- for( byte=0; byte<TILESWIDTH; byte++ )
- {
- gfx = (UBYTE *) maskplane;
- gfx = gfx + RWIDTH2/8*(16+row) + levx*TILESWIDTH + byte;
- *gfx = tiles[ 76 ][ levx ][ row ][ byte ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void initshots( void )
- {
- int sht;
- for( sht=0; sht<SHOTSMAX; sht++ )
- {
- shot[ sht ].used = 0;
- }
- }
- void initfoes( void )
- {
- int sht;
- for( sht=0; sht<SHOTSMAX; sht++ )
- {
- foe[ sht ].used = 0;
- }
- }
- void cleanandmoveshots( void )
- {
- int sht;
- int offset;
- int depth;
- UBYTE *data;
- int boden;
- int fo;
- for( sht=0; sht<SHOTSMAX; sht++ )
- {
- if( shot[ sht ].used == 1 )
- {
- /* Neu geschaffener Schuß; ist noch nicht gezeichnet; und muss also
- auch nicht beseitigt werden */
- shot[ sht ].used = 2;
- }
- else if( shot[ sht ].used == 2 )
- {
- /* Regulaerer Schuß oder sterbender Schuß */
- offset = RWIDTH/8 * (shot[ sht ].posy/16) + shot[ sht ].posx/16/8;
- for( depth=0; depth<DEPTH; depth++ )
- {
- data = (UBYTE *) my_bit_map.Planes[ depth ] + offset;
- *data = shot[ sht ].save1[depth];
- *(data+1) = shot[ sht ].save2[depth];
- *(data+RWIDTH/8) = shot[ sht ].save3[depth];
- *(data+RWIDTH/8+1) = shot[ sht ].save4[depth];
- }
- /* Bewegen */
- shot[ sht ].posx += shot[ sht ].speedx;
- shot[ sht ].posy += shot[ sht ].speedy;
- /* Testen, ob der Schuss anstoesst */
- /* X_Richtung */
- boden = level[ shot[ sht ].posy/16/TILESHEIGHT ][ shot[ sht ].posx/16/(TILESWIDTH*8) ];
- if( boden >= BODEN )
- {
- /* Es ist ein Hindernis da */
- shot[ sht ].used = 0;
- if( ( (shot[ sht ].posy/16) & (TILESHEIGHT-1) ) > TILESHEIGHT-3 )
- {
- if( boden == 18 ) /* glas */
- {
- /* Schuss kommt von unten */
- if( ( (shot[ sht ].posx/16) & (TILESWIDTH*8-1) ) >= 2 )
- {
- if( ( (shot[ sht ].posx/16) & (TILESWIDTH*8-1) ) < (TILESWIDTH*8-1) )
- {
- /* Glas bricht */
- BltBitMap(
- &my_bit_map2, /* Source */
- 2*16, /* Position, source. */
- 16, /* - " - */
- &my_bit_map, /* Destination. */
- (shot[ sht ].posx/16) & 0xfff0 , /* Position, destin. */
- (shot[ sht ].posy/16) & 0xfff0, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xC0, /* Normal copy. */
- 0xFF, /* All bitplanes. */
- NULL ); /* No temporary storage. */
- level[ shot[ sht ].posy/16/TILESHEIGHT ][ shot[ sht ].posx/16/(TILESWIDTH*8) ] = 14;
- PlaySound( glas, MAXVOLUME/2, LEFT0, NORMALRATE, 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- boden = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- boden = 0;
- }
- }
- if( boden != 18 )
- {
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port, 1 );
- WritePixel( &my_rast_port, shot[ sht ].posx/16, shot[ sht ].posy/16 - rand()%2 - 1 );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- PlaySound( shoth1, MAXVOLUME/2, RIGHT0, NORMALRATE, 1 );
- }
- }
- /* Testen, ob der Schuss jemanden trifft */
- if( ( abs( shot[ sht ].posx - posx ) <= 48 ) && ( abs( shot[ sht ].posy - posy ) <= 48 ) )
- {
- if( energy > 0 )
- {
- if( shot[ sht ].owner != 100 )
- {
- shotat = 1;
- shot[ sht ].used = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- for( fo=0; fo<FOESMAX; fo++ )
- {
- if( ( abs( shot[ sht ].posx - foe[ fo ].posx ) <= 64 ) && ( abs( shot[ sht ].posy - foe[ fo ].posy ) <= 64 ) )
- {
- if( (shot[ sht ].owner == 100/*!= fo*/) && (foe[ fo ].used == 2 /*!= 0*/) )
- {
- foe[ fo ].used = 3;
- shot[ sht ].used = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if( shot[ sht ].posx/16 < 0 )
- {
- shot[ sht ].used = 0;
- }
- if( shot[ sht ].posx/16 > RWIDTH - SHOTWIDTH )
- {
- shot[ sht ].used = 0;
- }
- if( shot[ sht ].posy/16 < 0 )
- {
- shot[ sht ].used = 0;
- }
- if( shot[ sht ].posy/16 > RHEIGHT - SHOTHEIGHT -1 ) /* -1, damit ein schuss in der rechten unteren ecke nicht zum absturz fuehrt*/
- {
- shot[ sht ].used = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void drawshots( void )
- {
- int sht;
- int offset;
- int depth;
- UBYTE *data;
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port, 1 );
- for( sht=SHOTSMAX-1; sht>=0; sht-- )
- {
- if( shot[ sht ].used == 2 )
- {
- /* Regulaerer Schuß */
- offset = RWIDTH/8 * (shot[ sht ].posy/16) + shot[ sht ].posx/16/8;
- for( depth=0; depth<DEPTH; depth++ )
- {
- data = (UBYTE *) my_bit_map.Planes[ depth ] + offset;
- shot[ sht ].save1[depth] = *data;
- shot[ sht ].save2[depth] = *(data+1);
- shot[ sht ].save3[depth] = *(data+RWIDTH/8);
- shot[ sht ].save4[depth] = *(data+RWIDTH/8+1);
- }
- WritePixel( &my_rast_port, shot[ sht ].posx/16, shot[ sht ].posy/16 );
- WritePixel( &my_rast_port, shot[ sht ].posx/16+1, shot[ sht ].posy/16 );
- WritePixel( &my_rast_port, shot[ sht ].posx/16, shot[ sht ].posy/16+1 );
- WritePixel( &my_rast_port, shot[ sht ].posx/16+1, shot[ sht ].posy/16+1 );
- }
- }
- }
- void launchshot( sposx, sposy, speedx, speedy, owner )
- int sposx, sposy, speedx, speedy, owner;
- {
- int sht;
- for( sht=0; sht<SHOTSMAX; sht++ )
- {
- if( shot[ sht ].used == 0 )
- {
- shot[ sht ].used = 1;
- shot[ sht ].posx = sposx;
- shot[ sht ].posy = sposy;
- shot[ sht ].speedx = speedx;
- shot[ sht ].speedy = speedy;
- shot[ sht ].owner = owner;
- if( fires )
- {
- if( owner == 100 )
- {
- StopSound( LEFT1 );
- PlaySound( fires, MAXVOLUME, LEFT1, NORMALRATE, 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- StopSound( LEFT1 );
- PlaySound( fires, MAXVOLUME/2, LEFT1, NORMALRATE, 1 );
- }
- }
- sht = SHOTSMAX;
- }
- }
- }
- void walk( void )
- {
- int posneux, posneuy;
- int boden;
- if( energy > 0 )
- {
- if( aimmode == 0 )
- {
- posneux = posx;
- posneuy = posy;
- /* Nur laufen, wenn nicht im aimmode */
- if( value & DOWN )
- {
- posneuy += PLSPEED;
- dir = 4;
- }
- if( value & UP )
- {
- posneuy -= PLSPEED;
- dir = 0;
- }
- if( value & RIGHT )
- {
- posneux += PLSPEED;
- dir = 2;
- if( value & UP )
- {
- posneux = posneux - PLSPEED + PLSPEED7;
- posneuy = posneuy + PLSPEED - PLSPEED7;
- dir = 1;
- }
- if( value & DOWN )
- {
- posneux = posneux - PLSPEED + PLSPEED7;
- posneuy = posneuy - PLSPEED + PLSPEED7;
- dir = 3;
- }
- }
- if( value & LEFT )
- {
- posneux -= PLSPEED;
- dir = 6;
- if( value & UP )
- {
- posneux = posneux + PLSPEED - PLSPEED7;
- posneuy = posneuy + PLSPEED - PLSPEED7;
- dir = 7;
- }
- if( value & DOWN )
- {
- posneux = posneux + PLSPEED - PLSPEED7;
- posneuy = posneuy - PLSPEED + PLSPEED7;
- dir = 5;
- }
- }
- /* Testen, ob der Spieler in die gewuenschte Richtung laufen kann */
- /* X_Richtung */
- boden = level[ posy/16/TILESHEIGHT ][ posneux/16/(TILESWIDTH*8) ];
- if( boden >= BODEN )
- {
- /* Es ist ein Hindernis da */
- posneux = posx;
- }
- /* Y_Richtung */
- boden = level[ posneuy/16/TILESHEIGHT ][ posx/16/(TILESWIDTH*8) ];
- if( boden >= BODEN )
- {
- /* Es ist ein Hindernis da */
- posneuy = posy;
- }
- posx = posneux;
- posy = posneuy;
- if( posx/16 < TILESWIDTH*8/2 )
- {
- posx = 16*TILESWIDTH*8/2;
- }
- if( posx/16 >= RWIDTH - TILESWIDTH*8/2 )
- {
- posx = 16*(RWIDTH - TILESWIDTH*8/2);
- }
- if( posy/16 < TILESHEIGHT/2 )
- {
- posy = 16*TILESHEIGHT/2;
- }
- if( posy/16 >= RHEIGHT - TILESHEIGHT/2 )
- {
- posy = 16*(RHEIGHT - TILESHEIGHT/2);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Image fuer totes maennchen */
- dir = 9;
- }
- }
- void screenscrolling( void )
- {
- int delx, dely;
- int spdx, spdy;
- delx = posx/16 - DWIDTH/2 - my_ras_info.RxOffset;
- dely = posy/16 - DHEIGHT/2 - my_ras_info.RyOffset;
- /* Wenn das Maennchen den Rand bis auf ein drittel erreicht hat,
- den Bildschirm neu zentrieren */
- if( abs( delx ) > DWIDTH/6 )
- {
- docenter |= 4;
- }
- if( abs( dely ) > DHEIGHT/7 )
- {
- docenter |= 2;
- }
- if( docenter != 0 )
- {
- spdx = 0;
- if( (docenter & 4) != 0 )
- {
- if( delx > 0 ) spdx = SCROLLSPEED;
- if( delx < 0 ) spdx = -SCROLLSPEED;
- }
- spdy = 0;
- if( (docenter & 2) != 0 )
- {
- if( dely > 0 ) spdy = SCROLLSPEED;
- if( dely < 0 ) spdy = -SCROLLSPEED;
- }
- if( (spdx != 0) || (spdy != 0) )
- {
- my_ras_info.RxOffset += spdx/16;
- my_ras_info.RyOffset += spdy/16;
- /* Have we reached the left side? */
- if( my_ras_info.RxOffset < 0 )
- {
- my_ras_info.RxOffset = 0;
- }
- /* Have we reached the right (Raster width - Display width) side? */
- if( my_ras_info.RxOffset >= RWIDTH - DWIDTH )
- {
- my_ras_info.RxOffset = RWIDTH - DWIDTH;
- }
- /* Have we reached the top side? */
- if( my_ras_info.RyOffset < 0 )
- {
- my_ras_info.RyOffset = 0;
- }
- /* Have we reached the bottom (Raster height - Display height) side? */
- if( my_ras_info.RyOffset >= RHEIGHT - DHEIGHT )
- {
- my_ras_info.RyOffset = RHEIGHT - DHEIGHT;
- }
- }
- if( spdx == 0 ) docenter &= 255-4;
- if( spdy == 0 ) docenter &= 255-2;
- }
- }
- void shoot( void )
- {
- if( energy > 0 )
- {
- value = Joystick( PORT2 );
- if( value & FIRE )
- {
- int xoff, yoff;
- if( !((value & RIGHT) || (value & LEFT) || (value & UP) || (value & DOWN)) )
- {
- /* Wenn Feuer im Stillstand gedrueckt wird, aimmode einschalten */
- if( aimmode == 0 )
- {
- aimed = 0;
- }
- aimmode = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if( fire == 0 )
- {
- launchshot( posx, posy, sincos( dir*45 ) * SHOTSPEED / 16384, -sincos( dir*45+90 ) * SHOTSPEED / 16384, 100);
- }
- }
- fire = 1;
- if( aimmode == 1 )
- {
- /* Nur zielen, wenn aimmode == 1 */
- if( value & RIGHT )
- {
- aimdir += AIMSPEED;
- while( aimdir >= 360 ) aimdir -= 360;
- aimed = 1;
- }
- if( value & LEFT )
- {
- aimdir -= AIMSPEED;
- while( aimdir < 0 ) aimdir += 360;
- aimed = 1;
- }
- xoff = sincos( aimdir ) * AIMLENGTH / 16384;
- yoff = sincos( aimdir+90 ) * AIMLENGTH / 16384;
- aimposx = posx/16 + xoff - TILESWIDTH*8/2;
- aimposy = posy/16 - yoff - TILESHEIGHT/2;
- if( aimposx < 0 )
- {
- aimposx = 0;
- }
- if( aimposx > RWIDTH - TILESWIDTH*8 )
- {
- aimposx = RWIDTH - TILESWIDTH*8;
- }
- if( aimposy < 0 )
- {
- aimposy = 0;
- }
- if( aimposy > RHEIGHT - TILESHEIGHT )
- {
- }
- /* Maennchen in Richtung des Zielens drehen */
- dir = 0;
- if( aimdir < 23 )
- {
- dir = 0;
- }
- else if( aimdir < 68 )
- {
- dir = 1;
- }
- else if( aimdir < 113 )
- {
- dir = 2;
- }
- else if( aimdir < 158 )
- {
- dir = 3;
- }
- else if( aimdir < 203 )
- {
- dir = 4;
- }
- else if( aimdir < 248 )
- {
- dir = 5;
- }
- else if( aimdir < 293 )
- {
- dir = 6;
- }
- else if( aimdir < 338 )
- {
- dir = 7;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if( fire == 1 )
- {
- /* Feuer wird gerade losgelassen. */
- if( (aimmode == 1) && (aimed == 0) )
- {
- /* Der Spieler hat im Stand Fire gedrueck, aber nicht ge-
- aimt. Also Standschuss */
- launchshot( posx, posy, sincos( aimdir ) * SHOTSPEED / 16384, -sincos( aimdir+90 ) * SHOTSPEED / 16384, 100 );
- }
- fire = 0;
- /* aimmode ausschalten */
- aimmode = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void drehfoe( fo )
- int fo;
- {
- foe[ fo ].angle += (rand() % 45) - 23;
- while( foe[ fo ].angle >= 360 ) foe[ fo ].angle -= 360;
- while( foe[ fo ].angle < 0 ) foe[ fo ].angle += 360;
- }
- void drehfoe2( fo )
- int fo;
- {
- foe[ fo ].angle += 97;
- while( foe[ fo ].angle >= 360 ) foe[ fo ].angle -= 360;
- while( foe[ fo ].angle < 0 ) foe[ fo ].angle += 360;
- }
- void cleanandmovefoes( void )
- {
- int fo;
- int offset;
- int depth;
- UBYTE *data;
- int boden;
- int delx, dely;
- int foneux, foneuy;
- for( fo=FOESMAX-1; fo>=0; fo-- )
- {
- if( foe[ fo ].used == 0 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].used = 1;
- foe[ fo ].posx = rand() % (16*RWIDTH);
- foe[ fo ].posy = rand() % (16*RHEIGHT);
- foe[ fo ].angle = rand() % 360;
- }
- if( foe[ fo ].used == 1 )
- {
- /* Neu geschaffener Foe; ist noch nicht gezeichnet; und muss also
- auch nicht beseitigt werden */
- foe[ fo ].used = 2;
- }
- else if( foe[ fo ].used == 2 )
- {
- /* Regulaerer Foe */
- BltBitMap(
- &my_bit_map2, /* Source */
- fo*16, /* Position, source. */
- 128, /* - " - */
- &my_bit_map, /* Destination. */
- foe[ fo ].posx/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* Position, destin. */
- foe[ fo ].posy/16-TILESHEIGHT/2, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xC0, /* Normal copy. */
- 0xFF, /* All bitplanes. */
- NULL ); /* No temporary storage. */
- /* Bewegen */
- delx = sincos( foe[ fo ].angle ) * SPEED / 16384;
- dely = -sincos( foe[ fo ].angle+90 ) * SPEED / 16384;
- foneux = foe[ fo ].posx + delx;
- foneuy = foe[ fo ].posy + dely;
- /* Testen, ob der Foe anstoesst */
- boden = level[ foneuy/16/TILESHEIGHT ][ foneux/16/(TILESWIDTH*8) ];
- if( boden >= BODEN )
- {
- /* Es ist ein Hindernis da */
- drehfoe( fo );
- foneux = foe[ fo ].posx;
- foneuy = foe[ fo ].posy;
- }
- foe[ fo ].posx = foneux;
- foe[ fo ].posy = foneuy;
- if( foe[ fo ].posx/16 < TILESWIDTH*8/2 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].posx = 16*TILESWIDTH*8/2;
- drehfoe2( fo );
- }
- if( foe[ fo ].posx/16 >= RWIDTH - TILESWIDTH*8/2 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].posx = 16*(RWIDTH - TILESWIDTH*8/2);
- drehfoe2( fo );
- }
- if( foe[ fo ].posy/16 < TILESHEIGHT/2 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].posy = 16*TILESHEIGHT/2;
- drehfoe2( fo );
- }
- if( foe[ fo ].posy/16 >= RHEIGHT - TILESHEIGHT/2 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].posy = 16*(RHEIGHT - TILESHEIGHT/2);
- drehfoe2( fo );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void movefoes( void )
- {
- int fo;
- int offset;
- int depth;
- UBYTE *data;
- int boden;
- int delx, dely;
- int foneux, foneuy;
- int fodir;
- int shoot;
- int sdelx, sdely, sdist;
- int free;
- for( fo=FOESMAX-1; fo>=0; fo-- )
- {
- if( foe[ fo ].used == 0 )
- {
- vsprite[ fo ].X = 0;
- vsprite[ fo ].Y = SDUMPY;
- free = rand() % fonum;
- foe[ fo ].posx = foedwell[ free ].x*16;
- foe[ fo ].posy = foedwell[ free ].y*16;
- if( (abs( foe[ fo ].posx - posx ) < FOEDOORX) && (abs( foe[ fo ].posy - posy ) < FOEDOORY) )
- {
- if( foedwell[ free ].foes > 0 )
- {
- if( (gametime - DWELLDELAY) >= foedwell[ free ].delay )
- {
- foedwell[ free ].delay = gametime;
- foedwell[ free ].foes--;
- foe[ fo ].used = 1;
- foe[ fo ].angle = rand() % 360;
- foe[ fo ].stepdist = STEP;
- foe[ fo ].step = 0;
- foe[ fo ].shootinterv = FOEINTERV;
- foe[ fo ].shout = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if( foe[ fo ].used == 1 )
- {
- /* Neu geschaffener Foe; ist noch nicht gezeichnet; und muss also
- auch nicht beseitigt werden */
- foe[ fo ].used = 2;
- }
- else if( foe[ fo ].used == 2 )
- {
- /* Regulaerer Foe */
- shoot = 0;
- if( foe[ fo ].shootinterv < FOESHAT )
- {
- /* Der Foe kann schiessen */
- if( (abs( foe[ fo ].posx - posx ) < FOEDIST) && (abs( foe[ fo ].posy - posy ) < FOEDIST) )
- {
- /* Der Foe ist nahe genug dran */
- if( foe[ fo ].shootinterv <= 0 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].shootinterv = FOEINTERV;
- sdelx = posx-foe[ fo ].posx;
- sdely = posy-foe[ fo ].posy;
- if( ( sdelx>=0 ) && (sdely<0 ) )
- {
- foe[ fo ].angle = 180 / 3.141592 * atan( (float) sdelx / (float) (-sdely) );
- }
- if( ( sdelx>0 ) && (sdely>=0 ) )
- {
- foe[ fo ].angle = -180 / 3.141592 * atan( (float) (-sdely) / (float) (sdelx) ) + 90;
- }
- if( ( sdelx<=0 ) && (sdely>0 ) )
- {
- foe[ fo ].angle = 180 / 3.141592 * atan( (float) sdelx / (float) (-sdely) ) + 180;
- }
- if( ( sdelx<0 ) && (sdely<0 ) )
- {
- foe[ fo ].angle = -180 / 3.141592 * atan( (float) (-sdely) / (float) (sdelx) ) + 270;
- }
- while( foe[ fo ].angle<0 ) foe[ fo ].angle += 360;
- /* Pruefen, ob der Weg frei ist */
- for( free=1; free<8; free++ )
- {
- if( level[ (foe[ fo ].posy+sdely/free)/16/TILESHEIGHT ][ (foe[ fo ].posx+sdelx/free)/16/(TILESWIDTH*8) ] >= BODEN )
- {
- free = 1000;
- }
- }
- if( free<1000 )
- {
- launchshot( foe[ fo ].posx, foe[ fo ].posy, sincos( foe[ fo ].angle ) * FSHOTSPEED / 16384, -sincos( foe[ fo ].angle+90 ) * FSHOTSPEED / 16384, fo );
- }
- shoot=2;
- }
- else
- {
- if( foe[ fo ].shout!=1 )
- {
- PlaySound( attacks, MAXVOLUME/2, LEFT0, NORMALRATE, 1 );
- }
- foe[ fo ].shout = 1;
- shoot=1;
- foe[ fo ].shootinterv--;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- foe[ fo ].shootinterv--;
- foe[ fo ].shout = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- foe[ fo ].shootinterv--;
- }
- if( shoot == 1 )
- {
- foneux = foe[ fo ].posx;
- foneuy = foe[ fo ].posy;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Bewegen */
- delx = sincos( foe[ fo ].angle ) * SPEED / 16384;
- dely = -sincos( foe[ fo ].angle+90 ) * SPEED / 16384;
- foneux = foe[ fo ].posx + delx;
- foneuy = foe[ fo ].posy + dely;
- }
- /* Testen, ob der Foe zu weit weggelaufen ist */
- if( (abs( foe[ fo ].posx - posx ) > FOEVANISH) || (abs( foe[ fo ].posy - posy ) > FOEVANISH) )
- {
- /* Foe verschwindet */
- foe[ fo ].used = 0;
- }
- /* Testen, ob der Foe anstoesst */
- boden = level[ foneuy/16/TILESHEIGHT ][ foneux/16/(TILESWIDTH*8) ];
- if( boden >= BODEN )
- {
- /* Es ist ein Hindernis da */
- drehfoe( fo );
- foneux = foe[ fo ].posx;
- foneuy = foe[ fo ].posy;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Fuesse bewegen */
- if( (foe[ fo ].posx != foneux) || (foe[ fo ].posy != foneuy) )
- {
- foe[ fo ].stepdist -= SPEED;
- if( foe[ fo ].stepdist < 0 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].stepdist += STEP;
- foe[ fo ].step++;
- }
- }
- }
- foe[ fo ].posx = foneux;
- foe[ fo ].posy = foneuy;
- if( foe[ fo ].posx/16 < TILESWIDTH*8/2 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].posx = 16*TILESWIDTH*8/2;
- drehfoe2( fo );
- }
- if( foe[ fo ].posx/16 >= RWIDTH - TILESWIDTH*8/2 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].posx = 16*(RWIDTH - TILESWIDTH*8/2);
- drehfoe2( fo );
- }
- if( foe[ fo ].posy/16 < TILESHEIGHT/2 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].posy = 16*TILESHEIGHT/2;
- drehfoe2( fo );
- }
- if( foe[ fo ].posy/16 >= RHEIGHT - TILESHEIGHT/2 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].posy = 16*(RHEIGHT - TILESHEIGHT/2);
- drehfoe2( fo );
- }
- /* Sprite positionieren */
- if( (foe[ fo ].posx/16 >= my_ras_info.RxOffset - 8) &&
- (foe[ fo ].posx/16 < my_ras_info.RxOffset + DWIDTH + 8) &&
- (foe[ fo ].posy/16 >= my_ras_info.RyOffset - SFOEHEIGHT/2) &&
- (foe[ fo ].posy/16 < my_ras_info.RyOffset + DHEIGHT + SFOEHEIGHT/2) )
- {
- vsprite[ fo ].X = foe[ fo ].posx/16-8 - my_ras_info.RxOffset;
- vsprite[ fo ].Y = foe[ fo ].posy/16-SFOEHEIGHT/2 -my_ras_info.RyOffset;
- fodir = foe[ fo ].angle + 22;
- while( fodir>=360 ) fodir -= 360;
- fodir = fodir/45;
- vsprite[ fo ].ImageData = (UWORD *) (spritedata + 40 * (fodir*2 + (foe[ fo ].step&1) ));
- }
- else
- {
- vsprite[ fo ].X = 0;
- vsprite[ fo ].Y = SDUMPY;
- }
- }
- else if( foe[ fo ].used == 3 )
- {
- /* Erschossener foe */
- /* Blutfleck malen */
- BltMaskBitMapRastPort(
- &my_bit_map2, /* Source */
- 16, 16, /* Position, source. */
- &my_rast_port, /* Destination. */
- foe[ fo ].posx/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* Position, destination. */
- foe[ fo ].posy/16-TILESHEIGHT/2, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xe0, /* Normal copy. */
- maskplane ); /* Maske */
- PlaySound( foedies, MAXVOLUME/2, RIGHT0, NORMALRATE, 1 );
- vsprite[ fo ].ImageData = (UWORD *) (spritedata + 40 * 18 );
- foe[ fo ].shootinterv = FOEBLEIBT;
- foe[ fo ].used = 4;
- }
- else if( foe[ fo ].used == 4 )
- {
- /* toter foe */
- foe[ fo ].shootinterv--;
- if( foe[ fo ].shootinterv<0 )
- {
- foe[ fo ].used = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Sprite positionieren */
- if( (foe[ fo ].posx/16 >= my_ras_info.RxOffset - 8) &&
- (foe[ fo ].posx/16 < my_ras_info.RxOffset + DWIDTH + 8) &&
- (foe[ fo ].posy/16 >= my_ras_info.RyOffset - SFOEHEIGHT/2) &&
- (foe[ fo ].posy/16 < my_ras_info.RyOffset + DHEIGHT + SFOEHEIGHT/2) )
- {
- vsprite[ fo ].X = foe[ fo ].posx/16-8 - my_ras_info.RxOffset;
- vsprite[ fo ].Y = foe[ fo ].posy/16-SFOEHEIGHT/2 -my_ras_info.RyOffset;
- vsprite[ fo ].ImageData = (UWORD *) (spritedata + 40 * 18 );
- }
- else
- {
- vsprite[ fo ].X = 0;
- vsprite[ fo ].Y = SDUMPY;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void drawfoes( void )
- {
- int fo;
- int offset;
- int depth;
- UBYTE *data;
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port, 1 );
- for( fo=0; fo<FOESMAX; fo++ )
- {
- if( foe[ fo ].used == 2 )
- {
- /* Regulaerer Foe */
- BltBitMap(
- &my_bit_map, /* Source */
- foe[ fo ].posx/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* Position, source. */
- foe[ fo ].posy/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* - " - */
- &my_bit_map2, /* Destination. */
- fo*16, /* Position, destination. */
- 128, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xC0, /* Normal copy. */
- 0xFF, /* All bitplanes. */
- NULL ); /* No temporary storage. */
- BltMaskBitMapRastPort(
- &my_bit_map2, /* Source */
- 0, 0, /* Position, source. */
- &my_rast_port, /* Destination. */
- foe[ fo ].posx/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* Position, destination. */
- foe[ fo ].posy/16-TILESHEIGHT/2, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xe0, /* Normal copy. */
- maskplane ); /* Maske */
- }
- }
- }
- void createsprites( void )
- {
- int a, sprit;
- UBYTE *wo;
- spritedata = (UWORD *) AllocMem( 2000, MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR );
- if( spritedata == NULL ) clean_up( "ERROR: Couldn't allocate sprite memory\n");
- /* Maennchen in Sprite umwandeln */
- for( sprit=0; sprit<19; sprit++ )
- {
- wo = (UBYTE *) (spritedata + 40 * sprit);
- for( a=5; a<12; a++ )
- {
- *wo++=(UBYTE) tiles[ 40+sprit ][ 0 ][ a ][ 0 ];
- *wo++=(UBYTE) tiles[ 40+sprit ][ 0 ][ a ][ 1 ];
- *wo++=(UBYTE) tiles[ 40+sprit ][ 1 ][ a ][ 0 ];
- *wo++=(UBYTE) tiles[ 40+sprit ][ 1 ][ a ][ 1 ];
- }
- *wo++=0;
- *wo++=0;
- }
- }
- void initsprites( void )
- {
- /* 6. Initialize the GelsInfo structure: */
- /* All sprites except the first two may be used to draw */
- /* the VSprites: ( 11111100 = 0xFC ) */
- ginfo.sprRsrvd = 0xFF;
- /* If we do not exclude the first two sprites, the mouse */
- /* pointer's colours may be affected. */
- /* Give the GelsInfo structure some memory: */
- ginfo.nextLine = &nextline[0];
- ginfo.lastColor = &lastcolor[0];
- /* Give the Rastport a pointer to the GelsInfo structure: */
- my_rast_port.GelsInfo = &ginfo;
- /* Give the GelsInfo structure to the system: */
- InitGels( &head, &tail, &ginfo );
- /* 7. Initialize the VSprite structure: */
- {
- int loop;
- for( loop = 0; loop < MAXVSPRITES; loop++ )
- {
- vsprite[ loop ].Flags = VSPRITE; /* It is a VSprite. */
- vsprite[ loop ].X = 0; /* X position. */
- vsprite[ loop ].Y = SDUMPY; /* Y position. */
- vsprite[ loop ].Height = 6; /* 16 lines tall. */
- vsprite[ loop ].Width = 2; /* Two bytes (16 pixels) wide. */
- vsprite[ loop ].Depth = 2; /* Two bitplanes, 4 colours. */
- /* Pointer to the sprite data: */
- vsprite[ loop ].ImageData = spritedata;
- /* Pointer to the colour table: */
- vsprite[ loop ].SprColors = colour_table;
- /* 8. Add the VSprites to the VSprite list: */
- AddVSprite( &vsprite[ loop ], &my_rast_port );
- /* The VSprite is in the list. */
- vsprite_on[ loop ] = TRUE;
- }
- vsprite[ MAXVSPRITES-1 ].Flags |= (MUSTDRAW & VSOVERFLOW);
- }
- }
- /* Pointers to the three sound effects: */
- CPTR explosion;
- CPTR background;
- /* Declare the functions in this module: */
- void free_memory();
- void pause();
- void sound( void )
- {
- printf("\nE A S Y - S O U N D\n");
- printf("Amiga C Club (ACC)\nAnders Bjerin\nTulevagen 22\n");
- printf("181 41 LIDINGO\nSWEDEN\n\n");
- printf("1. Prepare the sound Fire.snd\n");
- fires = PrepareSound( "Fire.snd" );
- if( !fires )
- free_memory( "Could not prepare the sound effect!" );
- printf(" Prepare the sound Explosion.snd\n");
- explosion = PrepareSound( "Explosion.snd" );
- if( !explosion )
- free_memory( "Could not prepare the sound effect!" );
- printf(" Prepare the sound Background.snd\n");
- background = PrepareSound( "Background.snd" );
- if( !background )
- free_memory( "Could not prepare the sound effect!" );
- printf("2. Play the sound\n");
- /* Start with some atmospheric background sounds: */
- PlaySound( background, MAXVOLUME/2, LEFT0, NORMALRATE, NONSTOP );
- PlaySound( background, MAXVOLUME/2, RIGHT0, NORMALRATE, NONSTOP );
- pause( 5000 );
- PlaySound( fires, MAXVOLUME, LEFT1, NORMALRATE, 2 );
- pause( 4000 );
- PlaySound( explosion, MAXVOLUME, RIGHT1, NORMALRATE, 2 );
- pause( 10000 );
- printf("3. Stop the audio channels\n");
- StopSound( LEFT0 );
- StopSound( LEFT1 );
- StopSound( RIGHT0 );
- StopSound( RIGHT1 );
- printf("4. Remove the sound effects\n");
- free_memory( "THE END" );
- }
- void free_memory( message )
- STRPTR message;
- {
- printf("%s\n\n", message );
- /* It is not dangerous to try to remove a sound that has not been */
- /* prepared. We can therefore try to remove all sounds, even if some */
- /* have not been initialized. (However, all channels that are playing */
- /* the sound must have been stopped before you may remove the sound! */
- RemoveSound( fires );
- RemoveSound( explosion );
- RemoveSound( background );
- exit();
- }
- void pause( time )
- int time;
- {
- int loop;
- for( loop=0; loop < time*100; loop++ )
- ;
- }
- /* Returns all allocated resources: */
- void clean_up( message )
- STRPTR message;
- {
- int loop;
- /* Free automatically allocated display structures: */
- FreeVPortCopLists( &my_view_port );
- FreeCprList( my_view.LOFCprList );
- if( spritedata ) FreeMem( spritedata, 2000 );
- /* Deallocate the display memory, BitPlane for BitPlane: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; loop++ )
- if( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ] )
- FreeRaster( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ], RWIDTH, RHEIGHT );
- /* Deallocate the second display memory, BitPlane for BitPlane: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH2; loop++ )
- if( my_bit_map2.Planes[ loop ] )
- FreeRaster( my_bit_map2.Planes[ loop ], RWIDTH2, RHEIGHT2 );
- if( maskplane )
- FreeRaster( maskplane, RWIDTH2, RHEIGHT2 );
- /* Deallocate the ColorMap: */
- if( my_view_port.ColorMap ) FreeColorMap( my_view_port.ColorMap );
- /* Close the Graphics library: */
- if( GfxBase ) CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
- /* Close the Intuition library: */
- if( IntuitionBase ) CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
- /* Print the message and leave: */
- /*printf( "%s\n", message ); */
- exit( 0 );
- }
- void energybar( void )
- {
- UWORD *wo;
- int heit, divide;
- divide = energy * 10 / ENERGY;
- wo = (UWORD *) (maskplane+RWIDTH2/8*140 + 14*4);
- for( heit=0; heit<10; heit++ )
- {
- wo++;
- if( (10-heit) <= divide )
- {
- *wo++ = 0xffff;
- }
- else
- {
- *wo++ = 0x0000;
- }
- }
- }
- void clrrast( void )
- {
- int loop;
- for( loop = 0; loop < DEPTH; loop++ )
- {
- /* Clear the display memory with help of the Blitter: */
- BltClear( my_bit_map.Planes[ loop ], RASSIZE( RWIDTH, RHEIGHT ), 0 );
- }
- }
- void title( void )
- {
- int mesn;
- mesn = 0;
- while( (! ( Joystick( PORT2 ) & FIRE )) && (! ( Joystick( PORT1 ) & FIRE )) )
- {
- {
- char *text;
- char text2[80];
- int wart;
- text = "'EM ALL UP";
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port, 5 );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 224, 134 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text, strlen( text ) );
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port, 0 );
- SetBPen( &my_rast_port, 0 );
- SetDrMd( &my_rast_port, JAM1 );
- RectFill( &my_rast_port, 186, 147, 319, 168 );
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port, 4 );
- if( mesn == 0 )
- {
- sprintf( text2, "SHOOT EM ALL UP" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 153 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- sprintf( text2, "'96 Thomas Lange" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 166 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( mesn == 1 )
- {
- sprintf( text2, " CREDITS: " );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 153 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- sprintf( text2, " " );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 166 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( mesn == 2 )
- {
- sprintf( text2, "Code & GFX:" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 153 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- sprintf( text2, "Thomas Lange" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 166 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( mesn == 3 )
- {
- sprintf( text2, "Music: boner.mod" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 153 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- sprintf( text2, "by Jon Pickard" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 166 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( mesn == 4 )
- {
- sprintf( text2, "and marky.mod by" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 153 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- sprintf( text2, "Black Shadow" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 166 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( mesn == 5 )
- {
- sprintf( text2, "Both taken from" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 153 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- sprintf( text2, "AMINET" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 166 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( mesn == 6 )
- {
- sprintf( text2, "Read the docs" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 153 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- sprintf( text2, "for more info" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 166 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( mesn == 7 )
- {
- sprintf( text2, "on this thrashy" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 153 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- sprintf( text2, "hack. LMB=EXIT" );
- Move( &my_rast_port, 186, 166 );
- Text( &my_rast_port, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- mesn++;
- if( mesn > 8 ) mesn=0;
- wart = 0;
- while( (!( Joystick( PORT2 ) & FIRE )) && (wart<33) && (!( Joystick( PORT1 ) & FIRE )) )
- {
- Delay( 5 );
- wart ++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void intro( void )
- {
- clrrast();
- my_ras_info.RxOffset = 400;
- my_ras_info.RyOffset = 0;
- MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
- MrgCop( &my_view );
- LoadView( &my_view );
- Execute( "simpleplay >nil: data/shoot_title.mod", NULL, NULL );
- getilbm();
- my_ras_info.RxOffset = 0;
- my_ras_info.RyOffset = 0;
- MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
- MrgCop( &my_view );
- LoadView( &my_view );
- title();
- {
- UWORD *pointer;
- int loop;
- /* Get a pointer to the colour map: */
- pointer = (UWORD *) my_view_port.ColorMap->ColorTable;
- /* Set the colours: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < COLOURS; loop++ )
- *pointer++ = 0;
- }
- MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
- MrgCop( &my_view );
- LoadView( &my_view );
- Execute( "simpleplay >nil: -stop", NULL, NULL );
- }
- void showmessage( number )
- int number;
- {
- struct View my_view3;
- struct View *my_old_view3;
- struct ViewPort my_view_port3;
- struct RasInfo my_ras_info3;
- struct BitMap my_bit_map3;
- struct RastPort my_rast_port3;
- UWORD my_color_table3[] =
- {
- 0x000, /* Colour 0, Black */
- 0xfff, /* Colour 1, Red */
- 0xa00, /* Colour 2, Light red */
- 0x080, /* Colour 3, Green */
- 0x0F0, /* Colour 4, Light green */
- 0x008, /* Colour 5, Blue */
- 0x00F, /* Colour 6, Light Blue */
- 0xFFF, /* Colour 7, White */
- };
- UWORD *pointer3;
- int loop3;
- if( number != 5 )
- {
- Execute( "simpleplay >nil: data/shoot_message.mod", NULL, NULL );
- }
- my_old_view3 = GfxBase->ActiView;
- InitView( &my_view3 );
- my_view3.ViewPort = &my_view_port3;
- InitVPort( &my_view_port3 );
- my_view_port3.DWidth = WIDTH3; /* Set the width. */
- my_view_port3.DHeight = HEIGHT3; /* Set the height. */
- my_view_port3.RasInfo = &my_ras_info3; /* Give it a pointer to RasInfo. */
- my_view_port3.Modes = 0; /* High resolution. */
- /* 3. Get a colour map, link it to the ViewPort, and prepare it: */
- my_view_port3.ColorMap = (struct ColorMap *) GetColorMap( COLOURS3 );
- if( my_view_port3.ColorMap == NULL )
- printf( "Could NOT get a ColorMap!\n" );
- /* Get a pointer to the colour map: */
- pointer3 = (UWORD *) my_view_port3.ColorMap->ColorTable;
- /* Set the colours: */
- for( loop3 = 0; loop3 < COLOURS3; loop3++ )
- *pointer3++ = my_color_table3[ loop3 ];
- /* 4. Prepare the BitMap: */
- InitBitMap( &my_bit_map3, DEPTH3, WIDTH3, HEIGHT3 );
- /* Allocate memory for the Raster: */
- for( loop3 = 0; loop3 < DEPTH3; loop3++ )
- {
- my_bit_map3.Planes[ loop3 ] = (PLANEPTR) AllocRaster( WIDTH3, HEIGHT3 );
- if( my_bit_map3.Planes[ loop3 ] == NULL )
- printf( "Could NOT allocate enough memory for the raster!\n" );
- /* Clear the display memory with help of the Blitter: */
- BltClear( my_bit_map3.Planes[ loop3 ], RASSIZE( WIDTH3, HEIGHT3 ), 0 );
- }
- /* 5. Prepare the RasInfo structure: */
- my_ras_info3.BitMap = &my_bit_map3; /* Pointer to the BitMap structure. */
- my_ras_info3.RxOffset = 0; /* The top left corner of the Raster */
- my_ras_info3.RyOffset = 0; /* should be at the top left corner */
- /* of the display. */
- my_ras_info3.Next = NULL; /* Single playfield - only one */
- /* RasInfo structure is necessary. */
- /* 6. Create the display: */
- MakeVPort( &my_view3, &my_view_port3 );
- MrgCop( &my_view3 );
- /* 7. Prepare the RastPort, and give it a pointer to the BitMap. */
- InitRastPort( &my_rast_port3 );
- my_rast_port3.BitMap = &my_bit_map3;
- /* 8. Show the new View: */
- LoadView( &my_view3 );
- /* Set the draw mode to JAM1. FgPen's colour will be used. */
- SetDrMd( &my_rast_port3, JAM1 );
- if( number == 1 )
- {
- char *text;
- char text2[80];
- text = "You blew it!";
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 1 );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) )/2, 100 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) );
- sprintf( text2, "Lifes left: %d", lifes );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) )/2, 115 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 2 );
- sprintf( text2, "Try again brave soldier" );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) )/2, 130 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( number == 2 )
- {
- char *text;
- char text2[80];
- text = "You blew it!";
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 1 );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) )/2, 100 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) );
- sprintf( text2, "This is your last chance" );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) )/2, 115 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 2 );
- sprintf( text2, "Go for it!" );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) )/2, 130 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( number == 3 )
- {
- char *text;
- char text2[80];
- text = "You blew it!";
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 1 );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) )/2, 100 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) );
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 2 );
- sprintf( text2, "GAME OVER" );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) )/2, 130 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( number == 4 )
- {
- char *text;
- char text2[80];
- text = "You did it!";
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 1 );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) )/2, 100 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) );
- sprintf( text2, "Blow those wimps away" );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) )/2, 115 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 2 );
- sprintf( text2, "Go for it!" );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) )/2, 130 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- if( number == 5 )
- {
- char *text;
- char text2[80];
- text = "Entering";
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 1 );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) )/2, 100 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text, strlen( text ) );
- sprintf( text2, "Terrorist Camp" );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) )/2, 115 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port3, 2 );
- sprintf( text2, "Prepare To Defend Your Honor!" );
- Move( &my_rast_port3, WIDTH3/2-TextLength( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) )/2, 130 );
- Text( &my_rast_port3, text2, strlen( text2 ) );
- }
- {
- int wait;
- while( wait>0 )
- {
- value = Joystick( PORT2 );
- if( value & FIRE )
- {
- wait = -1;
- }
- WaitBOVP( &my_view_port3 );
- WaitTOF();
- wait--;
- }
- }
- Execute( "simpleplay >nil: -stop", NULL, NULL );
- /* StopSound( LEFT1 );
- StopSound( RIGHT1 );*/
- /* 9. Restore the old View: */
- LoadView( my_old_view3 );
- /* Free automatically allocated display structures: */
- FreeVPortCopLists( &my_view_port3 );
- FreeCprList( my_view3.LOFCprList );
- /* Deallocate the display memory, BitPlane for BitPlane: */
- for( loop3 = 0; loop3 < DEPTH3; loop3++ )
- if( my_bit_map3.Planes[ loop3 ] )
- FreeRaster( my_bit_map3.Planes[ loop3 ], WIDTH3, HEIGHT3 );
- /* Deallocate the ColorMap: */
- if( my_view_port3.ColorMap ) FreeColorMap( my_view_port3.ColorMap );
- }
- void dwellreset( void )
- {
- int a;
- for( a=0; a<fonum; a++ )
- {
- foedwell[ a ].delay = 0;
- }
- }
- void game( void )
- {
- SHORT deltaX;
- SHORT deltaY;
- unsigned int restartx, restarty;
- Execute( "simpleplay >nil: data/shoot_message.mod", NULL, NULL );
- loadlevel();
- drawlevel();
- initshots();
- initfoes();
- {
- UWORD *pointer;
- int loop;
- /* Get a pointer to the colour map: */
- pointer = (UWORD *) my_view_port.ColorMap->ColorTable;
- /* Set the colours: */
- for( loop = 0; loop < COLOURS; loop++ )
- *pointer++ = my_color_table[ loop ];
- }
- MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
- MrgCop( &my_view );
- LoadView( &my_view );
- showmessage( 5 );
- restartx = startx*16*16 + 8*16;
- restarty = starty*16*16 + 8*16;
- lifes = LIFES;
- while( lifes > 0 )
- {
- if( GetSprite( &my_sprite, 2 ) != 2 )
- printf("ERROR: Couldn't get sprite\n");
- /* Move the sprite: */
- MoveSprite( 0, &my_sprite, 6, 6 );
- initsprites();
- /* Delay( 5 );
- Disable();*/
- {
- int posaltx, posalty;
- int aimposaltx, aimposalty;
- int quit = 0;
- int step = 0;
- int stepdist;
- int dist;
- posx = restartx;
- posy = restarty;
- initfoes();
- aimposx = -1;
- aimposy = 0;
- stepdist = STEP;
- remoove = 0;
- shotat = 0;
- gametime = 0;
- dwellreset();
- BltBitMap(
- &my_bit_map, /* Source */
- posx/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* Position, source. */
- posy/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* - " - */
- &my_bit_map2, /* Destination. */
- 0, /* Position, destination. */
- 112, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xC0, /* Normal copy. */
- 0xFF, /* All bitplanes. */
- NULL ); /* No temporary storage. */
- energy = ENERGY;
- energybar();
- my_ras_info.RxOffset = posx/16 - DWIDTH/2;
- my_ras_info.RyOffset = posy/16 - DHEIGHT/2;
- /* Have we reached the left side? */
- if( my_ras_info.RxOffset < 0 )
- {
- my_ras_info.RxOffset = 0;
- }
- /* Have we reached the right (Raster width - Display width) side? */
- if( my_ras_info.RxOffset >= RWIDTH - DWIDTH )
- {
- my_ras_info.RxOffset = RWIDTH - DWIDTH;
- }
- /* Have we reached the top side? */
- if( my_ras_info.RyOffset < 0 )
- {
- my_ras_info.RyOffset = 0;
- }
- /* Have we reached the bottom (Raster height - Display height) side? */
- if( my_ras_info.RyOffset >= RHEIGHT - DHEIGHT )
- {
- my_ras_info.RyOffset = RHEIGHT - DHEIGHT;
- }
- while( quit == 0 )
- {
- int vbeam;
- int lop;
- deltaX = deltaY = 0;
- posaltx = posx;
- posalty = posy;
- aimposaltx = aimposx;
- aimposalty = aimposy;
- rand();
- /* LMB = verlassen abfragen */
- value = Joystick( PORT1 );
- if( value & FIRE )
- {
- quit = 1;
- lifes = 0;
- energy = 0;
- }
- shoot(); /* Joystick auf Feuer abfragen und diverse Schussmodi
- ausfuehren */
- walk(); /* Joystick auf Bewegung abfragen und maennchen rumlaufen lassen */
- screenscrolling();
- /* Quadrat der zurueckgelegten Entfernung */
- dist = (posx-posaltx) * (posx-posaltx) + (posy-posalty) * (posy-posalty);
- if( dist>0 )
- {
- stepdist = stepdist - SPEED;
- while( stepdist<0 )
- {
- stepdist += STEP;
- step++;
- PlaySound( steps, MAXVOLUME/8, RIGHT1, NORMALRATE, 1 );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- stepdist = STEP;
- }
- if( energy <= 0 ) step = 0;
- /* Bitmap wiederherstellen */
- cleanandmoveshots();
- /*cleanandmovefoes();*/
- movefoes();
- /* Aimring */
- if( ((aimmode == 1) && (aimposaltx != -1)) || ( (aimmode==0) && (aimposaltx != -1) ) )
- {
- BltBitMap(
- &my_bit_map2, /* Source */
- 16, /* Position, source. */
- 112, /* - " - */
- &my_bit_map, /* Destination. */
- aimposaltx, /* Position, destin. */
- aimposalty, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xC0, /* Normal copy. */
- 0xFF, /* All bitplanes. */
- NULL ); /* No temporary storage. */
- /* Wenn der aimmode ausgeschaltet wurde und dieses schon das
- letzte refreshen der bitmap war, dann dieses abschalten */
- if( aimmode == 0 ) aimposx = -1;
- }
- /* Maennchen */
- if( 1==2 )
- {
- BltBitMap(
- &my_bit_map2, /* Source */
- 0, /* Position, source. */
- 112, /* - " - */
- &my_bit_map, /* Destination. */
- posaltx/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* Position, destin. */
- posalty/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xC0, /* Normal copy. */
- 0xFF, /* All bitplanes. */
- NULL ); /* No temporary storage. */
- }
- /* Blutfleck */
- if( shotat == 1 )
- {
- SetAPen( &my_rast_port, ROT );
- WritePixel( &my_rast_port, posx/16, posy/16 );
- WritePixel( &my_rast_port, posx/16+1, posy/16 );
- WritePixel( &my_rast_port, posx/16+1, posy/16+1 );
- PlaySound( foedies, MAXVOLUME, RIGHT0, NORMALRATE, 1 );
- energy--;
- energybar();
- if( energy <= 0 )
- {
- /* Blutfleck malen */
- BltMaskBitMapRastPort(
- &my_bit_map2, /* Source */
- 16, 16, /* Position, source. */
- &my_rast_port, /* Destination. */
- posx/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* Position, destination. */
- posy/16-TILESHEIGHT/2, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xe0, /* Normal copy. */
- maskplane ); /* Maske */
- }
- shotat = 0;
- }
- if( energy <= 0 )
- {
- if( energy-- < -DEAD )
- {
- UWORD *wo;
- int heit;
- /* Neues Leben */
- quit = 1;
- lifes--;
- wo = (UWORD *) (maskplane+RWIDTH2/8*140 + 28*4);
- for( heit=0; heit<4; heit++ )
- {
- if( lifes==3 )
- {
- *wo++ = 0x8421;
- *wo++ = 0x7bde;
- }
- if( lifes==2 )
- {
- *wo++ = 0x8421;
- *wo++ = 0x7bc0;
- }
- if( lifes==1 )
- {
- *wo++ = 0x8421;
- *wo++ = 0x7800;
- }
- if( lifes==0 )
- {
- *wo++ = 0x8421;
- *wo++ = 0x0000;
- }
- }
- remoove = 1;
- }
- }
- /* Bitmap zwischenspeichern */
- /* und Bitmap beschreiben */
- /* Maennchen */
- vsprite[ MAXVSPRITES-1 ].X = posx/16-8 - my_ras_info.RxOffset;
- vsprite[ MAXVSPRITES-1 ].Y = posy/16-SFOEHEIGHT/2 -my_ras_info.RyOffset;
- vsprite[ MAXVSPRITES-1 ].ImageData = (UWORD *) (spritedata + 40 * (dir*2 + (step&1)) );
- if( remoove == 1 )
- {
- vsprite[ MAXVSPRITES-1 ].X = 0;
- vsprite[ MAXVSPRITES-1 ].Y = SDUMPY;
- }
- if( 1==2 )
- {
- BltBitMap(
- &my_bit_map, /* Source */
- posx/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* Position, source. */
- posy/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* - " - */
- &my_bit_map2, /* Destination. */
- 0, /* Position, destination. */
- 112, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xC0, /* Normal copy. */
- 0xFF, /* All bitplanes. */
- NULL ); /* No temporary storage. */
- if( remoove != 1 )
- {
- BltMaskBitMapRastPort(
- &my_bit_map2, /* Source */
- 16*(dir*2+(step&1)), 0, /* Position, source. */
- &my_rast_port, /* Destination. */
- posx/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* Position, destination. */
- posy/16-TILESWIDTH*8/2, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xe0, /* Normal copy. */
- maskplane ); /* Maske */
- }
- }
- /* Aimring */
- if( aimmode == 1 )
- {
- BltBitMap(
- &my_bit_map, /* Source */
- aimposx,
- aimposy, /* Position, source. */
- &my_bit_map2, /* Destination. */
- 16, /* Position, destination. */
- 112, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xC0, /* Normal copy. */
- 0xFF, /* All bitplanes. */
- NULL ); /* No temporary storage. */
- if( remoove != 1 )
- {
- BltMaskBitMapRastPort(
- &my_bit_map2, /* Source */
- 0, 16, /* Position, source. */
- &my_rast_port, /* Destination. */
- aimposx, /* Position, destination. */
- aimposy, /* - " - */
- TILESWIDTH*8, TILESHEIGHT, /* Width and height. */
- 0xe0, /* Normal copy. */
- maskplane ); /* Maske */
- }
- }
- /*drawfoes();*/
- drawshots();
- if( (gametime % KILLBACK) == 0 )
- {
- restartx = posx;
- restarty = posy;
- }
- gametime++;
- /* Recalculate the display instructions: (If you change any values */
- /* in the display structures the Amiga have to recalculate the */
- /* entire display instructions. You must therefore call all three */
- /* display functions: MakeVPort(), MrgCop() and LoadView().) */
- SortGList( &my_rast_port );
- DrawGList( &my_rast_port, &my_view_port );
- MakeVPort( &my_view, &my_view_port );
- MrgCop( &my_view );
- LoadView( &my_view );
- vbeam = VBeamPos();
- if( (vbeam < 290) && (vbeam > 120) )
- {
- WaitBOVP( &my_view_port );
- }
- if( (posx/256 == finishx) && (posy/256 == finishy) )
- {
- /* Ziel erreicht */
- lifes = -10;
- remoove = 1;
- energy = -DEAD-10;
- }
- lop = gametime % aidnum;
- if( (posx/256 == aid[ lop ].x) && (posy/256 == aid[ lop ].y) )
- {
- if( aid[ lop ].full == 1 )
- {
- aid[ lop ].full = 0;
- PlaySound( bell, MAXVOLUME, LEFT0, NORMALRATE, 1 );
- energy = ENERGY;
- energybar();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- int loop;
- for( loop = 0; loop < MAXVSPRITES; loop++ )
- {
- if( vsprite_on[ loop ] )
- RemVSprite( &vsprite[ loop ] );
- }
- }
- if( my_sprite.num != (UWORD) -1 )
- FreeSprite( my_sprite.num );
- /* Zwischenbildschirm zeigen */
- if( lifes>1 )
- {
- showmessage( 1 );
- }
- if( lifes==1 )
- {
- showmessage( 2 );
- }
- if( lifes==0 )
- {
- showmessage( 3 );
- }
- if( lifes<0 )
- {
- showmessage( 4 );
- }
- /*Enable();*/
- }
- }
- int main( void )
- {
- int leave;
- srand( 100 );
- openlibs();
- initstuff();
- loadstuff();
- openstuff();
- opensecondbitmap();
- tilestosecond();
- Execute( "assign >nil: libs: libs add", NULL, NULL );
- Execute( "changetaskpri >nil: 1", NULL, NULL );
- createsprites();
- attacks = PrepareSound( "data/shoot_attack.sfx" );
- foedies = PrepareSound( "data/shoot_foedie.sfx" );
- steps = PrepareSound( "data/shoot_step.sfx" );
- fires = PrepareSound( "data/shoot_shot.sfx" );
- shoth1 = PrepareSound( "data/shoot_shoth1.sfx" );
- shoth2 = PrepareSound( "data/shoot_shoth2.sfx" );
- glas = PrepareSound( "data/shoot_glas.sfx" );
- bell = PrepareSound( "data/shoot_bell.sfx" );
- my_sprite.posctldata = (UWORD *) (maskplane+RWIDTH2/8*140);
- {
- int a;
- UWORD *wo;
- wo = (UWORD *) (maskplane+RWIDTH2/8*140);
- for( a=0; a<70; a++ )
- {
- *wo++=ship_data[a];
- }
- }
- leave = 0;
- while( leave == 0 )
- {
- intro();
- if( (( Joystick( PORT1 ) & FIRE )) )
- {
- leave = 1;
- }
- if( leave == 0 )
- {
- game();
- }
- }
- StopSound( LEFT0 );
- StopSound( LEFT1 );
- StopSound( RIGHT0 );
- StopSound( RIGHT1 );
- RemoveSound( steps );
- RemoveSound( foedies );
- RemoveSound( attacks );
- RemoveSound( fires );
- RemoveSound( shoth1 );
- RemoveSound( shoth2 );
- RemoveSound( glas );
- RemoveSound( bell );
- /* 9. Restore the old View: */
- LoadView( my_old_view );
- if( lifes <= -10 )
- {
- /*printf("You did it!\n");*/
- }
- else
- {
- /*printf("You blew it!\n");*/
- }
- /* Free all allocated resources and leave. */
- closelibs();
- clean_up( "THE END" );
- return( 0 );
- }